Héla Menif
Bar admission: Paris
Héla advises the firm’s clients in business law litigation, in particular on issues relating to corporate law, contractual and tort liability, and commercial litigation. She is also involved in pre-litigation and settlement proceedings.
Prior to joining the firm, she completed several internships with French and American law firms, as well as an internship with a bank in the department dedicated to the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing.
Main areas of expertise
Civil and commercial litigation
Corporate law
Contractual law
Master in Management / Grande Ecole – ESSEC Business School
Master 2 Contentieux, arbitrage et modes alternatifs de règlement des conflits, Paris 2 Panthéon – Assas
Master 2 Juriste d’affaires, Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne
French / English
Phone : +33 1 45 02 19 19
Mail : hmenif@darrois.com
Rapport 2021 – La médiation devant la Cour de cassation