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  3. Hugo Diener

Hugo Diener


Bar admission Paris (2003)

Hugo Diener is mainly active in international and domestic public and private mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and corporate governance issues. Hugo frequently advises listed and non-listed industrial and services companies, family-controlled corporations as well as sovereign wealth funds and private equity funds, with a focus on complex cross-border transactions.

Hugo joined the firm in 2003 and was seconded to Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz in New York in 2007/2008 where he was involved in numerous domestic and cross-border transactions.

Main areas of expertise
Corporate, Mergers and Acquisitions
Stock exchange regulations
Private Equity
Litigation relating to stock-exchange regulations

Sciences-Po Paris
Master 2 (post-graduate) degree in International Taxation, University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas

French / English / Spanish

Phone: +33 1 45 02 19 19
Mail: hdiener@darroisvilley.com


– (Shotgun clauses) Les clauses d’offre alternative, Actes pratiques – Sociétés – Éditions du Juris-Classeur p. 32 – Septembre/Octobre 2002