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  3. Matthieu Brochier

Matthieu Brochier


Bar admission Paris

Matthieu Brochier, partner, specializes in commercial litigation.

He advises French and international companies, directors and shareholders before civil, commercial and criminal courts, as well as regulatory authorities such as the French stock market authority (AMF), in disputes relating to mergers and acquisitions, takeover bids and post-sale or shareholder disputes. He also works on ESG litigation, dealing with issues of corporate and managerial liability.

Matthieu has developed recognized experience in complex litigation involving major legal, financial and reputational issues, combining his legal skills and judicial experience with those of the firm’s various departments, in particular when faced with class actions, shareholder activism or litigation combining civil proceedings with criminal or AMF proceedings. He also works on alternative dispute resolution procedures (mediation and arbitration).

He has won the pleading competition organized by the Paris Bar and, as such, has been entrusted with emergency criminal defense work. He lectures at the Paris Bar School, the French National School for Magistrates, Sciences Po Paris and HEAD, where he created the legal writing workshops and the first pro bono business law clinic for start-up entrepreneurs.  He has also been involved in the development of an artificial intelligence system applied to business litigation.

Matthieu is regularly ranked as one of the top business litigation specialists in leading directories such as Chambers and Legal 500 which describe him as one of the “leading lawyers in the market” in stock exchange litigation, commercial litigation and corporate law.

Main practice areas

Contractual and tort litigation

Commercial litigation

Corporate litigation

Stock-exchange litigation

White collar crime

Class action and collective actions

Litigation and arbitration


Master II in private law, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne


French / English

Phone: +33 1 45 02 19 19
Mail: mbrochier@darrois.com

Corporate litigation

– Les potentielles actions judiciaires en matière d’information extra-financière, Revue Banque (Potential judicial actions regarding non-financial information), Revue Banque & Droit, No. 216, July-August 2024, written with Stanislas Darrois

– Devoir de vigilance, environnement… Aux juristes d’investir le coeur des politiques de durabilité des entreprises (Duty of vigilance, environment… it’s up to legal experts to invest in the heart of corporate sustainability policies), Les Echos, Ideas and Debates, April 24, 2024, with Sabine Lochmann and Stéphanie Smatt-Pinelli

– Le contentieux du devoir de vigilance (Duty of vigilance litigation), Actes Pratiques et Ingénierie Sociétaire, No. 1, January-February 2024, 1, pp. 34- with Antonin Bertrand

– Les pactes d’actionnaires et d’associés – Un an de jurisprudence du tribunal de commerce de Paris, (Shareholders’ agreements – A year of case law from the Paris Commercial Court), Chronique JCP E, n° 51-52, §1371, 21 décembre 2023, pp. 18, avec le Professeur Sophie Schiller

– Responsabilité civile de l’entreprise et des dirigeants : panorama 2023 en France et à l’étranger, (Civil liability of companies and their directors : overview 2023 in France and abroad), JCP E, n° 46, § 1321, 16 novembre 2023, pp. 17

– Responsabilité civile environnementale de l’entreprise et des dirigeants, (Environmental liability of companies and managers), table ronde du colloque annuel Droit et commerce 2023, Gazette du Palais, hors-série 3 du 27 juin 2023

– Les pactes d’actionnaires et d’associés – Un an de jurisprudence du tribunal de commerce de Paris, (Shareholders’ agreements – A year of case law from the Paris Commercial Court), Chronique JCP E, n° 50, 15 décembre 2022, pp. 19, avec le Professeur Sophie Schiller

– Responsabilité civile de l’entreprise et des dirigeants face aux actions judiciaires environnementales, (Civil liability of companies and their directors in environmental legal proceedings), JCP E, n° 39, § 1314, 29 septembre 2022, pp. 18-27

– Contrats de M&A pendant la pandémie : nouveaux maux, vieux remèdes, (M&A during Covid : new questions, old answers), tribune dans l’Opinion, 15 mai 2020, with Orphée Grosjean

– Les nouveaux rôles du juge dans l’inexécution du contrat (Judges’ new missions regarding contractual non-performance), Droit & Patrimoine June 2016

Stock market litigation

– Affaire Faurecia: à grands pouvoirs, grandes responsabilités (Faurecia case: with great powers come great responsibilities for stock market listed companies), Bulletin Joly Bourse, October, 2016, p. 414, with Rémi Lorrain

– Affaire Huis clos: L’enfer c’est [informer dès que possible] les autres, (Huis clos case : Hell is [informing as soon as possible) other people), Bulletin Joly Bourse, June 2016, p. 258, with Rémi Lorrain

– L’arrêt Safetic: principe d’intégrité de l’information publiée et utilisation d’information privilégiée dans le cadre d’une société en difficulté (Safetic case: Principle of integrity of the information published and use of privileged information in the context of Bankruptcy proceedings), Bulletin Joly Bourse, April 2016, pp. 153-154, with Rémi Lorrain

– Informations données au public et responsabilité de l’émetteur : l’autonomie de l’article 223-1 du règlement général de l’AMF réaffirmée (Information disclosed to the public and issuer’s responsibility: Autonomy of Article 223-1 of the General Regulation of the FMA), Option finance, n°1350, 25 January 2016, pp.37-38, with Rémi Lorrain

– La cour d’appel de Paris confirme la pratique de l’AMF en matière d’OPR (The Paris Court of Appeal confirm the FMA’s practice regarding public repurchase offer), Bulletin Joly Bourse 1 Jully 2015, with Orphée Grosjean

Class actions and collective actions

– Class actions à la française : abondance d’actions nuit-elle ? (French class actions: too many proceedings ?), Recueil Dalloz 2020, p. 1578,

– Vers une procéduralisation accrue ? (Towards an increase in the number of proceedings concerning the liability of companies and their directors ?), Seminar held on 7 May 2015 on the liability of companies and their directors and officers, Revue Droit des Affaires, 12ème éd. 2015, pp. 184-192

– La transaction de groupe : les particularités de la transaction dans l’action de groupe (The French class action out-of-court settlements), JCP éd. E, December 4, 2014

– Class actions: the French class action, International Litigation Newsletter (IBA), April 2015

– Class action à la française : des risques à modérer (Mitigate the French class action risks), Option Finance, September 29, 2014

White collar crime

– Fighting corruption in business: a new key issue in French corporate compliance, Journal of Business Law, 2020, vol. 5, pp 329-245, with Professor Nicole Stolowy

– Enjeux et perspectives de la coopération avec les autorités de lutte contre la corruption (Challenges and prospects in cooperation with anti-corruption authorities), BRDA 23/2019, 1 December 2019, § 21

– Les mesures de lutte contre la corruption de la loi Sapin 2 à la lumière des règles anglo-saxonnes (The anti-corruption measures of the Sapin 2 law in the light of Anglo-Saxon rules), BRDA 17/2017 du 1 September 2017, pp. 21-25

– Image d’une justice ordinaire (Picture of an ordinary justice), Libération, May 18, 2011

– French libel and privacy law, Carter-Ruck on Libel and Privacy, 6th edition LexisNexis 2010

– A propos d’une disposition oubliée : l’article 706-106 du Code de procédure pénale (The forgotten article 706-106 of the French criminal procedure code), AJ Pénal Dalloz 2010, with Kyum Lee

Procedure and ARD

– L’audience est un droit des parties au procès civil (Hearing is a right of the parties in civil proceedings), Recueil Dalloz 2022, p. 1223, with Emmanuel Brochier

– Attention à la suppression des audiences, (Beware of hearings suppression during and after Covid), Recueil Dalloz 2020, p. 119, with Emmanuel Brochier

– Pour une clarification des procédures de médiation et de conciliation dans le code de procédure civile (Clarification of ARD in the French civil procedure code), Recueil Dalloz 2015, p. 389

– Le droit de plaider, nouveau principe directeur de la procédure civile ?, (The right to plead, a new fundamental principle of civil procedure?), Libres propos, La Semaine Juridique Edition Générale n° 14, 6 avril 2015, 391


– La première clinique de droit dédiée aux jeunes créateurs d’entreprises (The first French start-up law clinic), Village de la justice, August 28, 2014