Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier assisted the board of directors of Solocal Group in connection with the company’s financial restructuring
Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier assisted the board of directors of Solocal Group in connection with the company’s financial restructuring.
Solocal Group (ex-Pages Jaunes) announced the conclusion of an agreement in principle providing for its recapitalization by Ycor, the contribution of its shares of Regicom Webperformance to Solocal Group, the partial repayment of its RCF debt and an 85% reduction in its existing gross bond debt.
The restructuring agreement is to be implemented by means of an amendment to the company’s accelerated financial safeguard plan, among others.
The Darrois team was comprised of Bertrand Cardi, Laurent Gautier (partners) and Thibault Verron for the governance / M&A aspects, François Kopf (partner) and Martin Lodéon for the restructuring aspects.